Friday, February 20, 2009

Akshayism in order

Stand up, Stand out and Respect yourself
-Akshayism 1.3.2

Whenever you want to really do something, with all eagerness and desperation, be sure, the whole world will conspire against you to let it not happen.
-Akshayism 1.6.51

**Chapter 2 out of reach

Depression is what happens when on a sunny day, your triple scoop ice cream falls on the ground because you wanted to know the time, entertainment is what the other people around you have when you actually do it.
-Akshayism 3.1.9

Pleasure and Intelligence aren't exactly the best of friends.
-Akshayism 3.2.11

Yes, No and Maybe. the only three replies you need to know while listening to advice.
-Akshayism 3.5.11

**Chapter 4 out of reach

Go to hell, at least you'd be sure you've reached the bottom.
-Akshayism 5.3.14

The size of your brain is inversely proportional to your eagerness to measure it.
-Akshayism 5.6.61

It is wise to choose between two evils, it is wiser not to choose at all.
-Akshayism 6.2.553

Security is what is given to the strong by the weak, to keep them strong.
-Akshayism 6.5.12

Be careful before being the first person to do something that is easy, there is a reason you are the first.
-Akshayism 7.3.29

When in doubt, accept that you are in doubt
-Akshayism 7.8.124

**All remaining chapters have been left anonymously closed for indefinite period of time.

-Akshayism 22(otherwise rejected material)

*If you do exist, you never realised it, if you don't exist you don't have to.
*If your wrong a hundred times, the next time you try it, your still wrong.
*Wait, don't say anything, they will still tell you that you are wrong.
*The only difference between you and me is right now, you read, while im somewhere probably doing something productive.
*a right answer followed by 5 wrong ones doesn't get you out of the negatives
*Don't give advice, especially when you don't know what to say.
*If your lazy, either you obey or you invent. \lassiez faire/
*Lying is more than an art, its a necessity
*The reason why today is not tomorrow is that today will always end, so why plan for today??
-The rest get rather very boring

Whatever you are, however good/bad you are, at some place/point of time you are the butter phulka trying to play in the cd player.
A Butter phulka in a cd player(starting and ending line)

1 comment:

  1. You got rid of word verification <3
    When this stuff was on your scrapbook I used to read it at least two times a day, Now the count might just go up.
    It makes me feel good about myself, you know.

    -Mad heart.
